282 Attorneys In The Metaverse

Custom PFP

High-Power Network

Law Practice Resources


Lawyer Friends™ is the first global NFT collection of 282 attorneys and legal professionals. The number 282 is a nod to King Hammurabi’s code of law circa 1755 BC; some of the earliest legal texts still preserved today. Together, we will network through Twitter Spaces, IRL cocktail events in LA/NYC/Vegas, and enjoy incredible business resources such as instant-approval micro-loans, MCLE credits, marketing tools, legal softwares and more.


Lawyer Friends was founded by Charles Lew, an 03′ alumni of Loyola Law School. An avid reader and history nerd, Charles based this NFT on some of the earliest written laws discovered: King Hammurabi’s Code of 282 laws. We wanted to lead attorneys into the web3 space in an impactful but fun way. 282 attorneys from around the world will be invited to become a Lawyer Friends NFT holder. Each holder will receive a custom hand-drawn pfp of themselves, which will live on the blockchain forever. We look forward to IRL events, networking, weekly Twitter Spaces, and sharing special perks for all holders. Most importantly, we hope to move the needle on Access to Justice as well as mental health concerns for attorneys.


Hand-drawn NFT

We didn’t feel like drawing goblins, or cats with sunglasses to represent your web3 likeness. Instead, when you mint a Lawyer Friends NFT, YOU will be hand drawn by our artist, Jae. Whether always wear a suit, want to be drawn as a Jedi Knight, or are never seen without lipstick- we’ll get it done.

Grow Your Practice

Lawyer Friends are partnered with several key legal resources that will help propel the growth of your new or existing law practice. Through networking events, and special business offers to holders, the Lawyer Friends community will work together to achieve great business success.

A Boutique Attorney Collective

Lawyer Friends welcomes attorneys from all walks of life and geographical locations. As one synergistic mind-meld, we aim to create better access to justice using the metaverse as a tool to erase barriers of entry.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Grow your practice with instant-approval micro-loans, proprietary legal software, and access to legal resources through our strategic partners and sponsors.

All Lawyer Friends holders will receive a free NFT from our 2nd Gen collection.

Holders will get exclusive access to Lawyer Friends networking events in Los Angeles, Vegas, and NYC. 

Funding provides access to justice hours for the underserved.

Initial mint proceeds will be donated to AdoptTogether to help families pay for the fees of giving a child their forever home.



May 2023, you’ll be on the blockchain!

You will be in the first NFT created for just attorneys, recognized in your field as an early mover and futurist in the web3 space. There will be annual in-person events, high-power networking, exclusive memberships and discounts, and your very own NFT portrait of yourself on the blockchain. The blockchain, is FOREVER!

Lawyer Friends are comprised of 282 attorneys around the world, many of which are based in the U.S.

Los Angeles! August 2023

Please give our artist time to get to you! We promise you’re in the queue and haven’t been missed. Follow up by emailing [email protected]

Congratulations. You are not the minority! Email us for extra help.


Web2 was the 1990’s through 2000’s of internet. Think dot com websites.

Non-fungible Token. Commonly in the news as “expensive JPEGs”, NFT’s can actually be anything from concert tickets, artworks, writings, and contracts. NFT’s live in smart contracts on decentralized blockchains. Everyone can see this information and its transactions.

Profile picture. You’ll often see people referencing your selected profile photo this way, “love the new pfp! welcome to the community.”
The Sandbox. TSB is one of the top four metaverse platforms at the time being, alongside Decentraland, CryptoVoxels, and Somnium.
OpenSea is a very popular platform for the sale of NFT’s. Similar to how there is eBay, but also Facebook Marketplace, and Mercari, OpenSea is akin to eBay’s volume.
Nifty Gateway is a popular platform that has a high barrier to entry for creators. You must be a well-known artist with a following to sell your works on this site. Auctions take place often, and it’s a very exciting high-value art community. 13) Mint
Minting is the process of putting an NFT project on the blockchain. For example, if a project “will mint next October 2023”, that is when it will be launched, per se.
A doxxed project means you know who the team members behind it are. Some projects are un-doxxed, with founding members using cartoon pfp’s and fake names as their identity. This either eludes to possible risk for holders, or founding members simply want to protect their privacy in this nascent space. Needless to say, doxxed projects love to showcase the fact as a means to prove they’re worthy of your trust and more legitimate than other projects. Un-doxxed projects will either publicly say they
To the moon! This means massive success of a project. Examples of projects that “mooned” would be BAYC, CryptoPunks, and Proof Collective- all of which might cost you something to the tune of $200,000+ (or 99 ETH+).
This is a chat server that is invite-only and a major part of web3 research and community. It is commonly known that the best way to get to know a web3 project is by exploring its Discord Channel, and its Twitter account.
Bots are referenced in many ways and mean exactly what it sounds like it means. Whether its a scam message, fake Twitter followers, or fake DIscord users- bots are not loved and are warned against at every turn. Twitter accounts and projects with bots for followers are considered a “potential rug” (see definition for Rug below).
Utility is used in reference to perks, events, or other bonuses earned from being a holder of an NFT. Sometimes a project’s roadmap will fully disclose that there is no utility, and you are supporting the project out of either liking the art, or the people behind the project.
FOMO is Fear Of Missing Out. It is used in the community as a way to explain why someone bought into a project. It is used as both a verb or a noun.
FOMO is Fear Of Missing Out. It is used in the community as a way to explain why someone bought into a project. It is used as both a verb or a noun.
To FUD is to bring Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt into a conversation. Because Web3 is still so new, at times people become worried due to lack of information.
Do Your Own Research.
For Fu*ks Sake. A colorful euphemism for being sick of something or someone.
A Rug is a project that is meant to take your money and disappear. This term is also used on Twitter Spaces meaning you’re losing reception and listeners are having trouble hearing you.

A dust attack means scammers sent you a free NFT to your wallet. Because wallet addresses all live on a decentralized blockchain, anyone can send you something without your allowing it. The NFT will likely be a photo of something, with text on that says you got it for free. If you interact with it, there’s a chance your wallet can be drained. This is irreversible. The recommended action is to log into your wallet on a desktop computer, right-click, and hide the NFT. There is no deleting these, o

The floor price is the cheapest listed NFT of a project on OpenSea, or other platforms. It is a way to gage if a project’s value is rising or falling, however, technically it only takes one person listing their NFT at a certain price to determine the “floor” of the entire collection. One holder can decide to sell their NFT for 1 cent, while the average listing is $1,000, and therefore cause the project to have a 1 cent floor price.
Used in reference to hosting a LIVE Twitter Space, which is Twitter’s audio platform similar to Clubhouse. Many former Clubhouse users have switched to Twitter Spaces. A few hosts run their space, allowing listeners to request speaker access, which is referred to as being pulled on stage, although all strictly virtual audio.
The roadmap of a project or community is a way for the founding team to communicate what their goals are, how the treasury works, and other announcements.

In the NFT community, users typically jest with broken grammar. Wen is in reference to the most common question in the chat servers and other discussions: when? For example, when will the next release be? When will you have another raffle? When will we find out the date of Lawyer Friends mint?

Derivative projects are 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation projects after the first one was released. For example, BAYC (Bored Ape Yacht Club) was the original project, and its derivative project was MAYC (Mutant Ape Yacht Club) and BAKC (Bored Ape Kennel Club). Often cheaper than the original release, these create new barriers of entry for people late to the game. Often, you’ll see people complain “no more derivatives!” because many projects make new generations out of greed, offering no utility.
An airdrop in a project is an NFT that is sent to your crypto wallet for free.
The absolute opposite of mooning. The project went to zero dollars and no value.